Alcohol-Related Incident During Check in Rosario

A driver in Rosario was caught drinking and verbally assaulting police during a traffic operation after failing a breath test with a BAC of 2.06 g/l.

Alcohol-Related Incident During Check in Rosario

On Wednesday afternoon, during a traffic operation in Pueblo Esther, Rosario, a driver was found to have a positive blood alcohol content. After being informed of his violation, the individual opened a can of beer and began to insult the responsible officers.

The officers stopped the driver to request his documents, suspecting he might be under the influence of alcohol. After conducting the corresponding test, the breathalyzer showed a result of 2.06 g/l. Upon being notified of his violation and the retention of his vehicle, the man reacted defiantly.

Disregarding the presence of the officers, the driver took a can of beer from inside his car, opened it, and proceeded to drink in front of them while insulting them. Finally, he left the scene on foot, leaving his vehicle and driver's license, which were retained as part of the procedure.